Video Review: Nicko McBrain, "Rhythms of the Beast"

My worst nightmare came true, a drum solo in my own front room. What git gave me this to review? (you're fired - Ed) Personally I'd rather sit through a party political broadcast by the Green Party. 

This is purely for the techno drummer who has an hour and a half to learn everything I never wanted to know about paradiddles, piddlediddles, and thingy m' doodles. The captive audience ask dead interesting questions like 'how do you tune your drums?' to which Nicko gives a lengthy response sipping on a chef's hat to show one that he's prepared earlier.

Given the choice between watching this or turning into a pillar of salt, I'd definitely go for the latter. He's a nice guy Nicko, you're regular cheeky cockney lad with all the wise cracks, some of which aren't so wise. Check this out for jargon: 'the 3 accent on the 16 going into 32.' The next time I'm stuck for something to say at a posh party, I'll just drop that one into the conversation. That'll make 'em think! It's much better than the supercalafragibollocks that Poppins chick comes out with.

Great camera work...does it sound like I'm a clutching at straws?

We also see a vid about how they make Nicko's exclusive cymbal at the Paiste factory in Switzerland, I can't remember the exact dimensions of this fascinating piece of equipment because my attention span had decided to go for a meal and then take in a club. But I do remember that we met Zeppy the ice cool cymbal hammerer from the planet Wonga Wonga and his even cooler partner in this terrifying job, Paul. Then it was Eddie the spinners turn, I was blown away!

Just as I was recovering from this wild trip (man)...Shit-a-rooney! if it ain't a vid on how they make the mics he uses. I'm driven to striking myself with a selection of blunt objects to make sure I haven't gone completely numb. Did you know that some firm make his drumsticks especially for him? I'm a fucking mine of information.

To cap this all off, the band arrive to treat us to a rendition of Rhythm Of the Beast. What can I say? For drummers and train-spotters only. 

Peter Grant
Riff Raff
August 1991
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