Live Review: Little Angels, Sheffield Poly, 1990


The latest British band to clinch a record deal after years of hard work building a solid reputation. This tour will mark a change for LITTLE ANGELS, like many bands before!

The sold out club tour throughout the UK, a well received debut album and rave reviews in the press. Bigger venues await next time, me thinks!

Opening up with "Do You Wanna Riot," the band set the pace for the night in true rockin' style. Toby Jepson was in fine form; even reaching the high notes. The band forming a solid outfit; guitarist Bruce Dickinson really crunching out the riffs! The drummer went for the throat during "Better Than The Rest." Toby shaking his mane of permed hair as he danced across the stage oozing confidence.

It seems the band have a lot of confidence live! The audience were eating out of their hands, clapping and singing along.

Most of their material was taken from their album Don't Prey For Me except "Radical Your Lover," which was co-written by DAN REED; a funky tune riding on a cool horn section. Though it did sound a bit like AEROSMITH's "Dude Looks Like a Lady." Still, it showed the Angel's skill for writing songs with instant appeal.

The effort put into each song by the vocalist was refreshing to see, though he was perhaps a little arrogant at times. He gives all his heart, which is good.

On the evidence of Tonight I would say Little Angels are arena bound!

Julie Wilby
Live shot: John Mather
Riff Raff
July 1990

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