Live Review: The Almighty, The Oval Norwich, April 1992

It's been eight months since THE ALMIGHTY played live, even longer since I saw 'em trample all over the mighty (ha!) MEGADETH. So the last place I'd expect them to play is a pub on the outskirts of Norwich! Yet, here we are, crammed like sardines into an area that makes the Marquee look palatial, as Ricky Warwick turns to his mic on the postage-stamp-sized stage and growls a menacing welcome.

The Almighty have never played in Norwich before and are only doing so now to introduce new six-stringer Pete Freezin' (ex-ALICE COOPER) without any of the razzmatazz attached to a London show.

Despite this being Pete's first gig, the band looked relaxed and confident. And they have every right to. Devastatingly tight The Almighty are as wild and wonderful as their fans expect 'em to be. Exhibiting a guitar style totally opposite to his moniker, Freezin' brings an added depth and dimension to The Almighty that has turned an in-yer-face Brit rock act into something far more intense and exciting. Aided by a perfect mix, the guy simply burns.

Two new songs "Addiction" and "To A God Unknown" are showcased - with the latter thrusting potent evidence of the heights this band will reach. Beginning slowly, the song builds to an angst-filled climax that screams with power.

The Almighty are set to go from strength to strength. Tonight they also cover punk classic "If You're in a Rut, Ya Gotta Get Out of It"; which is exactly what they've done.

Lyn Guy
Riff Raff
July 1992

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