Given the acrimonious nature of Mr. Big's implosion 15 years ago, the cover artwork of a flying pig is a succinct jibe at the fact that this is the album they never thought possible. Paul Gilbert's return means What If… finds the band back to the original four members and back to the sound that made their name.
Undertow more or less defines the band's template, being both accessible on one level and intensely musical on another. While American Beauty pays homage to the work done by Sheehan on the David Lee Roth albums that made his name, it's Around The World that is the big showcase for the musos. There may be not anything as sweet as the ballad To Be With You, the track which broke them worldwide back in 1991, but this Kevin Shirley produced effort undoubtedly lays the foundations for another crack at the Big time!
Joe Mackett
Rock iKon
21st January, 2011
Joe Mackett
Rock iKon
21st January, 2011
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