Revenge Recommends: "When Love Comes to Town" by B.B. King and U2

Blues legend, B.B.King has passed away at the grand old age of 89. Here he is more or less as I remember him, playing with U2 on their 1989 tour.

While B.B. is simply B.B. – a big-bellied, loud bellowing, nimble-fingered Blues picker – Bono, as usual, is in full twat mode, sucking up to his own personal musical version of Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela, while wearing a silly hat and talking in a daft accent. After the show, they probably had to pay the cleaners overtime to mop up, as Bono had been gushing too much.

Nevertheless, the palpable atmosphere of on-stage excitement and some powerful musical arranging, along with well-crafted lyrics, makes this an effective performance and a suitable way to bid B.B. all the best on the other side.

The Fly
Revenge of Riff Raff

15th May, 2015
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