Up in the wilds of Wembley STATUS QUO were boogeying on down while support act FM were struggling to find their newfound feet on a much larger stage.
New Axeman Andy Barnett was a little overzealous as they served up their harder edged sound with the likes of "Tough It Out" and "Bad Girl," though bassist Merv Goldsworthy and vocalist Steve Overland kept sway of the anchor.
Meanwhile Quo delivered as always, with their ever growing medley of hits. Boring old farts they may be, but Rossi and Parfitt are the antithesis of family entertainment.
New Axeman Andy Barnett was a little overzealous as they served up their harder edged sound with the likes of "Tough It Out" and "Bad Girl," though bassist Merv Goldsworthy and vocalist Steve Overland kept sway of the anchor.
Meanwhile Quo delivered as always, with their ever growing medley of hits. Boring old farts they may be, but Rossi and Parfitt are the antithesis of family entertainment.
Peter Grant
Riff Raff
March 1992
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